Accused of bullying, head quits Denmark’s Fatamorgana art schoolArtReviewartreview.com20 July 2020‘It has never been a secret that Morten Bo ran a controversial and eccentric leadership style at school.’
Philippines artists threatened by Anti-Terrorism Law; publish call for resistanceArtReviewartreview.com17 July 2020Artists resist new Anti-Terrorism Act
France takes legal steps to return colonial artefacts to BeninArtReviewartreview.com17 July 2020The draft legislation would bypass current law which classes holdings in French national museums as ‘inalienable’
‘Time to hand over the keys’: Yale Union art centre transfers property to Indigenous leadershipArtReviewartreview.com17 July 2020‘An example for recognizing the value of Native ownership of property in urban areas across the nation’
AIDS Memorial Quilt now entirely onlineArtReviewartreview.com16 July 2020The 1.2 million square foot Quilt has been made available to the public through an interactive map and storytelling initiative
Southbank Centre to cut 400 jobsArtReviewartreview.com16 July 2020The cuts will be effective across the centre’s Thameside venues, including the Hayward Gallery, the Royal Festival Hall and the Queen Elizabeth Hall
Rotterdam’s Boijmans Museum creates ‘drive-thru’ exhibitionArtReviewartreview.com16 July 2020750 visitors per day can ride electric cars, viewing works from the museum’s collection