The Emperor of China’s IceNirmala DeviArtReview Asia01 April 2020by Jun Yang, illustrated by Yuuki Nishimura | Verlag für Moderne Kunst, €15 (hardcover)
A pick of shows in one part of the world still openNirmala Deviartreview.com13 March 2020From the Biennale of Sydney to a human-artwork, Nirmala Devi selects the best exhibitions to see across Australia
Islamic Empires: Fifteen Cities that Define a CivilizationNirmala DeviArtReview Asia26 November 2019by Justin Marozzi | Allen Lane, £25 (hardcover)
On now: ArtReview Asia’s pick of exhibitionsNirmala DeviArtReview Asia22 November 2019Seeing you through the season
ArtReview Asia’s pick of exhibitionsNirmala DeviArtReview Asia22 November 2019Seeing you through the season... Part II
Shanghai grooveNirmala DeviArtReview Asia01 November 2019Nirmala Devi selects the best shows to see in town this winter