Our Full AttentionOliver BascianoArtReview30 April 2019Does conflict photography belong in a gallery?
Future Greats: Bárbara Wagner & Benjamin de BurcaOliver BascianoArtReview15 March 2019The duo is representing Brazil at this year’s Venice Biennale; their work is on view at the Stedelijk Museum through 16 June
Butch HeroesOliver BascianoArtReview12 March 2019by Ria Brodell | The MIT Press, $24.95 / £20 (hardcover)
Alejandro Campins at CAC Wilfredo Lam, HavanaOliver BascianoArtReview12 March 2019Like many of Havana’s cultural institutions – and indeed...
We Need to Talk About the ’Toons (they’re taking over)Oliver Bascianoartreview.com04 January 2019From the ArtReview archive
Art and politics in BrazilOliver Basciano17 October 2018Oliver Basciano reports on the stricken state of Brazilian politics as the 33rd Bienal de São Paulo opens
Kemang Wa Lehulere: The StorytellerOliver BascianoArtReview01 October 2018Oliver Basciano on the importance of archaeology in the South African artist’s work – now on view at Marian Goodman, London, through 20 October