In the wake of the earthquake which hit Mexico City on Tuesday, the organisers of the city’s Gallery Weekend CDMX have announced that the event is to be postponed until further notice. The 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit at 1.15pm.
Many of the city’s galleries have already announced that, while their exhibitions are cancelled for now, they will be assisting the emergency and rescue efforts. A number of galleries have opened to assist as collection centres for emergency supplies. These are currently LABOR, Fundación Alumnos47, Galeria Alterna, Marso and Páramo.
Typical of the statements issued was from Galeria OMR, which read, ‘Being at the heart of Roma district, one of the areas most severely affected by the earthquake, access to our space is very limited… all of our efforts are now directed to support those less fortunate who were harshly affected by this terrible event.’
The earthquake also effected areas outside the capital, including Oaxaca, the Oaxaca Isthm, Puebla and Morelos. Instituto de Artes Gráficas de Oaxaca (Graphic Arts Institute of Oaxaca) in Oaxaca de Juarez is coordinating donations for the region.
Those wishing to give support to the city and the quake’s victims can donate to Mexico’s Red Cross, and the Brigadad de Rescate Topos de Tlatelolco, an organisation formed after the devastating 1985 Mexico earthquake, now specialised in earthquake search-and-rescue.