Rotterdam’s non-profit art space A Tale of A Tub has announced an open call for exhibition projects for the summer of 2021. Now in its second edition, the open call invites curatorial propositions that respond to the cultural and sociopolitical context of Rotterdam, and highlight the city’s diverse artistic practices.
Organised in partnership with local art organisation CBK, it is open to curators internationally, and, recognising the expanding definition of curating, also welcomes proposals from artists, designers, theorists, architects and practitioners from different fields of inquiry.
The curator of the winning proposal will be invited to Rotterdam at the beginning of 2021 to conduct studio visits and engage with the city’s artistic scene, as a preparatory workshop in the lead-up to the exhibition taking place from 3 July to 22 August 2021.
Depending on the project’s scope, its budget will be set between €15,000 and €20,000 and will cover the curator and artist fees, travel and accommodation for the invited curator, production and material costs, as well as funds for advertisement, documentation, promotion and public programming.
For requirements and how to apply, click here